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  • Jul 8, 2024, 9:21 am


    One of the surest ways of protecting children from diseases like Measles, Polio, Tetanus, and Tuberculosis is through immunization. During our Medical Camps, we offer all these immunization services to children in our communities at no cost.

  • Jul 2, 2024, 6:01 pm


    Given the current prevalence of HIV infections among young people, during our health camps, we offer free HIV testing, counseling, treatment & prevention measures. We shall keep sensitizing and creating awareness about the disease in our communities.

  • Jun 17, 2024, 1:32 pm


    Every year on Eid-Al-Adha, we organize a Boxing Gala event with the view of empowering young people who are passionate about this sport. The foundation puts together various prizes to award the participants who showcase their skills in boxing. This was our 3rd Edition. We shall keep promoting talents through differ...

  • Jun 10, 2024, 10:40 am


    Healthcare being one of the greatest needs in our communities, Over the Weekend we organized another Health camp in Mulimira zone Bukoto- Nakawa West. Doctors and other medics attended to numerous people in the areas of; Malaria, Family planning, Antenatal Care through which expectant mothers received Mama Kits & Mos...

Health Care

Health Care

Health is an essential component at JSF, because we are aware of the present and looming threats to people’s health and safety.

Good Education

Good Education

Education is an essential part of our development strategy. All children deserve a good education so they can have a secure tomorrow

Economic Development

Economic Development

We firmly believe in empowering the vulnerable people through a range of social and economic development programs.

Together, We Can Give Communities A Hand-Up      Get Involved


Accountability is central to the work we do, at both operational and management levels. First and foremost, we are accountable to the communities with whom we work.

Good communication is key to achieving optimum transparency and we encourage open and honest dialogue, and listening carefully to people’s needs, ideas and feedback.

Donor accountability is similarly important and we work hard to maintain and develop appropriate and effective accountability systems.


The Foundation (JSF) is registered under the NGO Act 2016, and governed by a board of directors.

The JSF board is the supreme body and is elected by the general assembly of members. The board’s function is to determine the policy and programs of the organization to enable it carry out its mission.

Currently, JSF’s board of directors consists of three able members. They are elected every four years. The board has the final say in all matters relating to the organization.

Health Care

Health Care

Together let's improve our health in the society we live in.. A healthy society is about having access to safe neighborhoods and affordable housing.



Every child needs quality education to fulfil their God-given potential, no matter their circumstances.

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Communities need clean water to stay physically healthy and prevent diseases caused by a lack of adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Joel Ssenyonyi Foundation is a non-profit organization, non- political, established and registered in 2021. Joel Ssenyonyi Foundation (JSF) was licensed on the 09th Feb 2022, as an NGO with the government of Uganda under NGO Act 2016. our vision is An improved quality of life for vulnerable communities in urban areas. Our mission is To give vulnerable communities in urban areas a hand-up regarding Health, Education, Entrepreneurship, Sanitation, Sports, and Socio-economic development, with the view of improving quality of life. The Foundation (JSF) is registered under the NGO Act 2016, and governed by a board of directors. The JSF board is the supreme body and is elected by the general assembly of members. The board’s function is to determine the policy and programs of the organization to enable it carry out its mission. Currently, JSF’s board of directors consists of three able members. They are elected every four years. The board has the final say in all matters relating to the organization. Accountability is central to the work we do, at both operational and management levels. First and foremost, we are accountable to the communities with whom we work. Good communication is key to achieving optimum transparency and we encourage open and honest dialogue, and listening carefully to people’s needs, ideas and feedback.