Joel Ssenyonyi Foundation offers a wide range of products and services in order to support SMEs in their business in the domestic and international market.

Health Care
Together let's improve our health in the society we live in.. A healthy society is about having access to safe neighborhoods and affordable housing.

Every child needs quality education to fulfil their God-given potential, no matter their circumstances.

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Communities need clean water to stay physically healthy and prevent diseases caused by a lack of adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Economic Development
Together we strengthen our economy by getting involved through leading and funding economic development planning.
Frequently Asked Questions
On the 26th March 2022 Joel Ssenyonyi foundation cleaned up Nakawa market located on Jinja road Kampala.
This was led by Mr. Joel Ssenyonyi and other members in the organization activities involved include;
Sweeping and collecting garbage with special emphasis on separating plastics and polyethene bags from decomposed rubbish, hence creating environmental degradation awareness.
This was done under the department of water, sanitation and hygiene.
The event happened smoothly and we were honored by a speech from the Managing Director Joel Ssenyonyi.
On 16th April 2020 Joel Ssenyonyi Foundation held a successful charity run in kyanja.
The purpose was to raise awareness on keeping the environment clean, good health and economic development.
We were graced by our Managing Director Joel Ssenyonyi who participated in the run for the mentioned cause and later of gave a speech.
It was a colorful event.
JSF provides health care clean water, build boreholes quality education to the less privileged, hygiene, economic developments in communities and knowledge to people who don’t yet have access to them.
Access to clean water and toilets is a human right, and should be a normal part of daily life for everyone, everywhere.
With our local partners, we work with communities to build low-cost, sustainable solutions that meet their needs.
And all well wishers that would want to get involved in order to maker the communities a better place to live in.
These involve entrepreneurial activities like; entrepreneurship and Vocational training, empowering Village saving and loan’s association (VSLA), build capacity of Youth Owned Livelihood & Micro-Enterprises.
These programs help individuals acquire the knowledge and skills to independently plan and manage their own affairs as we continue to render assistance to these communities to improve the socio-economic activities in the urbanized and congested areas
Donations can be done directly under get involved
One is able to make payment on health, education, hygyine or economic development.
We have a rigorous accounting system and an internal audit and compliance team, who report directly to the chair of an audit committee.
Between them, we track all of our expenditure, from our planning in offices to the work in the field by our partners. We also conduct regular internal audits that offer fresh insights into improvements we can make in control, risk management, compliance and value for money.
We know that every community faces different, individual challenges. For this reason, all our projects are designed in collaboration with communities themselves.
By starting with people’s needs, we can develop solutions most likely to succeed in the long term. We train people how to maintain and manage their community’s services, and use locally sourced parts to ensure everything can be repaired and replaced easily in the future.
We also conduct studies that judge the progress of services later down the line. These help us continually work to improve the sustainability of the services we and our partners deliver. You can visit our Annual reports page to read the results.
Last week we embarked on Empowering community SACCOS.
We extended support to them and encouraged them to keep Saving as it's a key component in any development endeavour and its believed to be the surest way of increasing capital, income and boosting productivity in an attempt to eradicate poverty among our communities.
There are many barriers to sexual and reproductive health rights, including access to health services and information, we organize our medical camps in order to close these gaps and we have reached out to different communities with the essence of giving them a hand up.
Every woman and girl no matter where she lives has the right to live with proper reproductive health and access to healthcare.
On 17th June 2023, we had our 3rd Health outreach in Mulimira parish, where we advocated for sexual reproductive health rights amongst females with permanently disabled girls, those without, and women.
We offered services like family planning sensitization and services, circumcision, HIV counseling and testing, STDs/STIs testing and treatment, antenatal checkup, a common infection, distributed mama kits, and mosquito nets, and also sensitized them on their rights, This health outreach treated 1018 people who received medical attention that was done by medically trained Doctors and nurses.
On this year's Eid Al Adha day, JSF organized its second edition of the Annual Boxing Gala, this was mainly to support the youth who are passionate about Boxing and also sensitize them about sexual reproductive health.
We encouraged them to test for HIV/AIDs and how to prevent themselves from acquiring the virus.
We need to see young people use their talents to transform their lives by making the right decisions for their lives as they engage in sports.
During our 3rd Health outreach in Mulimira parish, Children, people with Disabilities, Elders and other people received medical services like Family planning, Cervical Cancer Screening, Breast Examination, STI testing and treatment, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Awareness, Ante-Natal Review and prescriptions, HIV testing and referrals, Martenal Health, General Medical services and medicine, Guidance and counseling, Circumcision from our medical Team.
Various Medical examinations were made by the doctors, Pregnant mothers got Mama kits, Mosquito nets, and Medicine was given to the patients.
At JSF we believe a healthy citizen is a confident citizen.
Saturday 22nd July 2023 we organized another health outreach in Kyanja Parish at Kisaasi Community Health Center Next to Kyanja Police Station
Elders, Children, Adults, youths, and people with disabilities shall receive medical attention from our Professional doctors, nurses, and counselors.
We shall also tackle the awareness levels of Sexual Reproductive Health knowledge and Rights, and address the prevention of Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS, pregnant mothers shall receive mosquito nets, Mama kits, and Antenatal care, and also provide other essential health services to the people plus General Medical check-ups and Treatment
At JSF we believe a healthy citizen is a confident citizen, See you there!
Our founder Hon Joel Ssenyonyi invites you to our 4th health outreach in Kyanja Parish tomorrow from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at Kyanja Community Health Center
Professional Doctors, nurses, counselors, and other medical experts will be present to attend to people that shall need healthcare at a free cost
Thank you.
See you there!
We organized another health outreach in Kyanja-Kisaasi Community and over 500 residents of the area received medical attention from the medical experts.
The medical experts emphasized the advantages of family planning, antenatal, STDs/STIs testing and treatment, HIV counselling, treatment and prevention, general medical checks, cervical and breast cancer screening plus child immunization.
JSF distributed mama kits for pregnant women and mosquito nets. Everyone who was found ill received treatment as per the doctor's instructions.
We would like to thank those who partnered with us and our Various Teams for the support rendered towards the success of this event.
We shall keep doing what we can to extend such services to our communities.
For more information below is our website;
On 7th August, JSF partnered with SHE for SHE and we extended our Reusable Sanitary towels campaign to Schools and we started with Kalinabiri Secondary school in Ntinda parish, We gave out over 395 pads to the girls in this school.
We did this to promote education and retention of the girl child in school through attending to their menstrual hygiene management so that no one is held back in their studies by periods.
These adolescent girls deserve a right to have proper sanitary menstruation materials to prevent the prevent the negative health consequences as well, this why we also educated and trained them about proper menstrual hygiene plus usage of these Sanitary towels.
All the girls in the school happily received sanitary towels and we thank the school management for the co-operation.
JSF gave out some Mama kits and nets to expectant mothers in Naguru. Many women can't afford to buy these materials and they end up risking the lives of both the mother and the unborn baby and even their young children. Furthermore, we also sensitized these expectant mothers about the dangers that the malaria poses to their unborn babies and their young children. As these nets were distributed to them, we emphasized the need to use them correctly.
We have witnessed the overwhelming smiles on these mothers' faces as they received these items to use during the pregnancy season.
During our medical camps we provide antenatal care, health education for the pregnant mothers, treat them, provide effective screening together with mosquito nets & Mama kits to help them have a safe delivery.
This Antenatal care also provides an important opportunity for discussion between pregnant women & medical experts about health behavior during pregnancy and about recognizing complications that may arise during pregnancy for both the mother & the baby.
Healthy children have more opportunities to succeed in schools and more likely to become healthy, productive adults.
This is why in our medical camps we provide quality health care to the children because it's so crucial for their future health & development.
Among these we also carry out Immunization as it is one of the most effective ways to prevent serious childhood illnesses.
Parents are also encouraged to become advocates for their children' well-being, promoting preventive care and ensuring that children receive the best possible healthcare throughout their developmental stages.
Economic empowerment & Entrepreneurship being one of our key areas of emphasis, we donated chicks for poultry farming to different communities of Nakawa West in Nakawa Division.
In this we are trying to support our people to increase their household income, eradicate poverty and also transform them into formidable entrepreneurs through farming.
In a bid to make healthcare available and accessible to our communities, yesterday we organized our 5th Medical camp in Kiwatule-Nakawa West.
Throughout the day, numerous people were attended to by Medical experts, and appropriate treatment was availed.
Expectant mothers received Mama kits, plus mosquito nets to protect them from getting infected with malaria.
The medics also offered family planning, Antenatal care, STDs/STIs testing and treatment, HIV testing & counselling, Cervical and breast cancer screening, plus Immunization of children.
We would like to thank all those who worked alongside us to make this medical camp a success.
We commemorated the World AIDS day in Acholi Quarters(Banda) with HIV testing & counseling, Family planning services and a soccer match amongst the residents of the area.
We thank everyone who participated in making this a success. Together we can fight the spread of HIV with communities championing the cause..
Developing talent being one of our key areas, we support indoor games like Ludo & pool which are played by many young people in our communities.
Ludo is a sport played internationally, so as a foundation we shall keep supporting young people so they can explore their sporting abilities even at international level.
Every girl and woman deserves to have access to sanitary pads and menstrual hygiene products, in a bid to improve their quality of life.
As a foundation, we continue to champion this cause so that every girl and woman can have a dignified life.
For more information: we distributed humanitarian kits donated by the Uganda Red Cross to the victims of a fire outbreak that happened last week in Wabiduuku-Kiwatule. The fire killed 4 people, wounded several others, and destroyed plenty of property.
The distributed kits had blankets, lights, Saucepans, mosquito nets, tarpaulins, mats, utensils & other household items. As a foundation, our motto is "Giving communities a hand-up" so we appreciate everyone who joins us in this quest.
We always give women better access to maternal healthcare with a gift of a mama kit & mosquito nets during our medical camps.
At Joel Ssenyonyi Foundation we believe Together, we can change the statistics and give mothers and babies a healthy, safe start to life.
In a bid to empower talents amongst our communities, yesterday we launched the 3rd Edition of our Easter tournament for Nakawa West Constituency, with sporting activities like Football, Netball & Athletics under the theme "Developing Talents through Sports"
The tournament will run for two months and will climax on Easter Sunday with a grand finale.
Since healthcare remains a challenge in our communities, yesterday we organized another medical camp in Naguru which saw hundreds receive treatment.
Expectant mothers received antenatal care, mama kits & mosquito nets, among other healthcare services for children & the elderly.
At Joel Ssenyonyi Foundation, we shall keep doing the best we can to give communities a hand-up, with the view of improving their well-being.
In a bid to protect our people from contracting malaria, we distributed mosquito nets to the people of Kyanja Community.
This disease control & preventive measure will be significant in the reduction of malaria cases.
At JSF, we believe anyone can become an entrepreneur. So we always strive to empower our communities to become enterprising.
We do this as we interact with various community groups, and offer them support for their different business projects.
In a bid to empower and develop Sporting talents among young people, we usually offer them a platform through our Annual Easter Tournament that includes Football, Netball & Athletics.
We lined up several prizes to motivate the participants as they showcase their talents and skills in this 3rd Edition of the Tournament.
We have organized another health camp for tomorrow, this time in Mulimira, one of the most populous zones in Nakawa West.
Doctors, nurses, and other medics will be present to attend to those with various ailments. One of our communities' greatest needs is healthcare, so we shall keep doing what we can to extend a hand.
Healthcare being one of the greatest needs in our communities, Over the Weekend we organized another Health camp in Mulimira zone Bukoto- Nakawa West.
Doctors and other medics attended to numerous people in the areas of; Malaria, Family planning, Antenatal Care through which expectant mothers received Mama Kits & Mosquito nets, STDS/STIs testing & Treatment, HIV Testing & prevention, General Medical check-ups, Circumcision, Cervical & Breast cancer screening plus Child immunization.
As a foundation, we shall keep doing what we can to extend a hand to various communities.
We would like to thank our Medics and the JSF team for this successful Health Camp.
Every year on Eid-Al-Adha, we organize a Boxing Gala event with the view of empowering young people who are passionate about this sport.
The foundation puts together various prizes to award the participants who showcase their skills in boxing. This was our 3rd Edition.
We shall keep promoting talents through different sports activities.
Given the current prevalence of HIV infections among young people, during our health camps, we offer free HIV testing, counseling, treatment & prevention measures.
We shall keep sensitizing and creating awareness about the disease in our communities.
One of the surest ways of protecting children from diseases like Measles, Polio, Tetanus, and Tuberculosis is through immunization.
During our Medical Camps, we offer all these immunization services to children in our communities at no cost.
In a bid to extend health care services to various communities, we yet again organized another health outreach/Medical Camp in Banda Kasenyi.
Over 800 people received medical attention from our Doctors, nurses & other medics. Children got immunized & dewormed. Pregnant mothers were given antenatal care, mosquito nets & Mama kits.
As a Foundation, we shall keep doing all we can to give a hand-up to communities.
We would like to thank our medics and the JSF Team for this successful health outreach
In a bid to foster personal growth and empowerment among women, we always give a hand-up to them through community-based groups.
This we do as we interact with various groups, sensitize them about entrepreneurship, and also offer support to their different ventures.
During our Health/Medical camps, we always provide HIV testing and counseling.
As we celebrate World AIDS Day, may we all remember to stay safe, avoid stigmatizing those who are infected, and instead extend help to them.
Happy World AIDS Day.
Yesterday, we gave out Reusable sanitary towels & bags to school-going girls and other elements to women and children of Mulimira zone in Bukoto 1 parish- Nakawa West.
As a foundation, we shall continue to advocate for menstrual equity for all, and also commit to the philosophy of improving the quality of life of our people by giving them a hand-up.
With the support of our Foundation, the Nakawa combined boxing team hosted Nairobi Select in boxing competitions in Naguru-Kampala.
One of our core principles is to promote talent through different sports.
In a bid to support sports development in our communities, today we launched the 4th edition of the Joel Ssenyonyi Easter Tournament 2025 at Kyambogo college pitch, in Banda- Nakawa West Constituency.
The tournament will run for two months with a grand finale on Easter Sunday.
The winners and other participants will receive several prizes.